Since the day it was founded in 1973 as a small sofa skeleton atelier of 40 m2, Kolsan has grown bytransforming all the beauty of wood in skilled hands and today, has become an 11.000 m2 companywith more than 100 employees in the forefront of interior furniture production.

Serving furniture retail stores by producing especially house furniture in its first years, Kolsan hasstarted to focus on restaurants, cafes, hospital projects and especially 5 star hotels by growing its productionstarting from the 90s and pioneered the creation of hundreds of places by putting quality, durability andergonomics of indoor furniture production.

Kolsan, has been in the leading position especially in loose furniture sector in our country andhas trained dozens of masters until today and has been a determinant of quality labor and qualifiedproduction in furniture sector.

Kolsan has marked its name in major projects with solution partners by keeping customersatisfaction at the forefront, especially in the production and settlement of all loose furniture of 5 starhotels in our country and abroad. It has not only become a preferred supplier in major hotel chainswell known in the world, but also increased awareness and product variety.

Starting from the year 2010, Kolsan has become one of the significant companies of the sectorby the activities realized in branding, projecting and sales with Hotelya, which was founded as agroup company, loose furniture in addition to fix furniture manufacturing and its high quality andcapacity.

Kolsan, signing dozens of projects at the same time with its size and variety of capacity, plays a partbeside its customers for all kinds of goods ranging from a quite modern sofa to a gold foil classicone or from garden furniture to office furniture.

Contributing to the supply of furnitureof over 700 hotels in the country and abroad and always adopting the “one step forward “principlewith its employees and industrial solution partners, the company will continue to develop and grow in the way ofbecoming a high quality, various, long term used world brand in the upcoming years, not only in thecountry, but also all over the world.


Our dedication to excellence extends to every aspect of our operations. From sourcing the finest materials to utilizing advanced manufacturing techniques, we strive to deliver products that meet the highest standards of quality, durability, and aesthetics.


Kolsan is dedicated to being a leader in the production and settlement of all loose furniture for 5-star hotels, both domestically and internationally. We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations in every project we undertake. Through our partnerships with solution providers, we have successfully established our name in major projects and have become a preferred supplier for renowned hotel chains worldwide. We are committed to continuously improving our awareness and expanding our product variety to better serve the needs of our customers. Our vision is to be the go-to company for high-quality, innovative, and stylish furniture solutions in the hospitality industry.